Sunday, May 15, 2011

We're going to Peru!

Who wouldn't love to travel with her??

We're actually going. I think it's officially too late to bail. Huancayo here we come!!!!

So now we must blog about our adventure because updating all you wonderful people individually is WAY too complicated :-P. And blogging is totally trendy....

Now I'm sure you're all bursting with questions including... 

Where in the World is Huancayo, Peru? 

Short answer...right here
Huancayo is the capital of the Junín Region, in the central highlands of Peru. It is located in Junín Province, of which it is also capital. Situated near the Mantaro Valley at an altitude of 3,271 meters, it has a population of 323,054. Huancayo is the cultural and commercial center of the whole central Peruvian Andes area.

(thanks Wikipedia)
More importantly...
Why are we going?
Short answer: Because we're awesome
After remembering that it was her lifelong dream to go to Peru, Katy decided to make it happen this year. And because Nate and Jacqui are awesome at following...we decided to come too. Katy did lots of research and finally found a wonderful organization called CarismaPeru. They are a Peruvian organization who's primary objective is "improving and developing the abilities and skills of deprived children and adolescents" in Peru. Sounds like a good plan to me!

Learn more about them at their website:
Katy and Nate plan to work in the medical field and Jacqui is going to do some sort of Social work. Nate may do that too... An interesting fact about Peruvian Culture is they are some of the most laid back people in the world. Which is really nice for a group that isn't always best described as having all their stuff together. (Minus Katy: see awesomely detailed packing list below). We'll see what happens once we get there. Not sure exactly what is going to happen. Sure it is going to be epic.

Besides Volunteering Do you have any other Plans?  
Funny you should ask. Just this morning we were discussing all the amazing places to see in Peru. And then Katy sent me this awesome link: The Top Ten Destinations in Peru 
Look Mom(s) we're totally prepared
We're definitely going to see Machu Picchu and possibly do the Inca trail. We're being slightly Peruvian in our approach to traveling. But regardless expect LOTS of pictures

What are you taking?
Ok so probably not the next question you had in mind but still interesting. Mostly I want to have an online copy of our packing list so I don't forget can skip this part if you're not interested. I totally understand. Or if you've been to South America/done any traveling and think we're forgetting something we would love to know BEFORE we leave on Wednesday. After that you're just rubbing it in that we forgot it...
How do I fit this in my backpack?
First Aid Kit-
Band-aids, alcohol swabs, gauze w/ tape, ACE bandage, scissors, thermometer, tweezers, antiseptic (povidine-iodine)
Personal Items-
Girly products
            Anti-malarial meds
            Allergy meds
            Advil/Advil PM
            Motion sickness meds
            Anti-itch cream for bug bites
            Face wash
            Body wash
            Shampoo and conditioner
            Hair products
            Toothbrush and toothpaste
            Toilet paper
General Items-
Peru guidebook
Map of Peru

Spanish dictionary/phrase book
Medical Spanish book
Sleeping bag
Digital camera and charger/plugs for computer
Laptop and charger
Ipod and charger
Cell phone (for emergencies) and charger
Hand sanitizer
Electrical adaptor/voltage transformer
Insect repellent w/ DEET (lotion is best)
Mosquito netting
Oral rehydration solution for diarrhea/dehydration
Glasses, sunglasses
Water purifier
Swiss army knife
Ear plugs
Duct tape
Granola bars/other non-perishable snacks
Water bottle
Airline tickets
Debit cards/credit cards/travelers checks/cash
Passport and photo ID/driver’s license
Vaccination form
Passport photos and passport photocopy
Travel insurance documentation and copy of policy
Shoes- walking, hiking, sandals, water shoes
Rain jacket/poncho
Socks and underwear
Hot weather, but conservative, clothing
Jeans, pants, or skirts
Long-sleeved and short-sleeved shirts
 whew...thanks Katy!

 So "follow" us in Peru and you'll get an e-mail every time we update the Blog!
Thanks for all your support!!


  1. where in the world are NaTy and
    Jacqui!!! boy do WE miss you guys Write soon Love MOM's !!!

  2. hey, where's this blog you guys have been bragging about???!! Hope you are all doing well. Love and miss you. xxoo :-) Aunt Cath

  3. I SAW THEM!!! I SAW THEM all of them :))) yipeee!!! we skyped tonight and they look exhausted but all smiling and ready for shower and bed!!! Great adventures! J-Mom

  4. miss you 2 2 much

  5. love the updates!! looks like FUN! xxoo
