Monday, May 30, 2011

La Selva Dia Dos

As the jungle is probably one of the more adventurous trips we're going to do here, we think it warrants two posts. The second day we visited more of the lovely water features of Peru. A beautiful waterfall that I have no idea what the name is but you have to pay to use the bathroom....

This last picture is of all of us after we convinced Katy to climb on top of the waterfall with us...lots of convincing :)

We also visited a native Peruvian reservation where we got to dress up in awesome costumes and dance around with people who came up to our (well specifically Jacqui's) belly button. The best part was we got to meet one man's pet mochiterro. Probably the cutest animal currently in existence. Unfortunately our camera's were dead at this point so this experience will only live on in our memories...

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